Brand Story

Brand Story


I have a belief that supplements certainly contribute to people’s health.

I’ve been weak since I was young. I always suffered from fatigue and was absent because I was sick often.

Though you don’t have a specific disease, why do you have to go through a hard time being sick? I found the answer in nutrition. For over 20 years, I have witnessed many people regain their appetite and vitality through authentic supplements. With this as a momentum I quit the hospital and created the brand < Esther Formula >. ‘Esther is my name and ‘formula’ means combination.

The reason I took on the role of CEO, though I have never been in the business industry, is because I wanted to take responsibility for all the products sold by the brand of Esther Formula. I started making products safely enough to feed my own children.  And  I believe that I should repay consumers with high quality products because all the products are being sold under my name.

This is the reason why Esther Formula has different manufacturers for each product. It is because there are different companies that produce the best products for each nutrient. For example, the multivitamin products are from Douglas, which received Top-rated evaluation by the US Consumer Lab, and the probiotics products are from Metagenics, which was selected as the No. 1 professional product brand by the Nutrition Business Journal. We believe that best quality is the only way to reward consumers. We firmly promise that we will not compromise on quality.

thank you.

Dr. Esther Lyuh

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